Since its creation, our Company has been always committed to providing its passengers high-quality public lake transportation services that satisfy their needs and expectations. Solo Patagonia S.A. Management considers that, in addition to service optimization, environmental protection like preservation of protected natural areas and workplace safety aspects should be integrated, engaging and continuously updating our organization in line with environmental and social trends.
The Direction of Solo Patagonia S.A. has assumed and maintains the commitment for:
- The maintenance of an updated a management system (MS), based on the requirements of the IRAM-SECTUR 42300 and IRAM-SECTUR 42560 standards, which includes the administration of the quality of its processes, the preservation of protected natural areas and safety.
- Fulfill with the current legal norm, in the execution of the service and in matters of Environment and Security.
- Assume responsibility for the impacts of our decisions and activities in the society and the environment, through ethical behavior consistent with sustainable development, the well-being of society and the satisfaction of concerned parties.
- Achieve the highest level of passenger satisfaction.
- Provide operational regularity in the services provided.
- Promote technological innovation in the public transportation training our staff.
- Work towards optimizing the complementary services that contribute to delivering better service for passengers.
- Provide the necessary means to continuously maintain the prevention of injuries and illnesses of employees, passengers and contractors, as a basic principle for the activity, developing safe processes and operations for own and contracted staff, passengers and society in general .
- Associate the subcontracted complementary services, with the same approach of quality, environment and
prevention of occupational risks.
The system is implemented at all levels of the organization and its compliance is permanent during the development of our usual activities. The administration provides the human resources and material needed to guarantee a training of personnel according to the quality and safety aspects, so as to facilitate the interpretation and compliance of the procedures and instructions elaborated for this purpose. Management continuously improves the effectiveness of the Management System (MS), reviewing for its adequate adaptation. This commitment, annually defines operational objectives consistent with this Quality, Environment and Safety Policy and carries out its monitoring through relevant indicators.
The guidelines for action that arise from the Quality and Safety Policy are set out in the MS Manual, which consist of a guide and a permanent reference point for Quality Management and Safety. We are all participants in the fulfillment of this Quality and Safety Policy and the achievement of its objectives.
Consequently, no one can be relieved of responsibility for everything related to Quality, Safety and the preservation of protected natural areas.
Leonardo Javier Fernandez
Rev. 2. Validity: december 2023